Sun 05 Jan
DYNAMiC DUO *Come Play With US* 2 GiRL Specials {{{{{{ LOOK NOW }}}}}} (Visiting Limited Time) - 21
(Costa Mesa/Santa Ana)
ELITE SENSATION* Hot & Sexy Affair w/ Great Latinas @7136 Garden Grove Blvd WESTMINSTER 714.499.1067 - 22
(Garden Grove, WESTMINSTER CALL 714.499.1067 ELITE SPA)
~ E b o n y * * * P l e a s u r e * * * J u s t * F o r * Y o u * * ~ - 21
(lancaster/plamdale/and etc outcall)
█▀▄▀▄▀█▐▐ ►{ Discrete} ★Transfemale★{ AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW! }★★ALL OC { JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT }▐ ▐ ► - 22
\ | / . \ | / . \ | / . Delightful & Well Dressed Asian girl! . . .\ | / . \ | / . \ | / - 20
(near McFadden, 22 fwy,Brookhurst/Euclid)
♥DIANA♥ ▁▁▁▁ $80 ▁▁▁▁▁▁HOT ♥♥ ▁▁▁▁✓ ♥♥✓▁▁▁▁REAL ▁▁▁▁♥♥▁▁▁▁ BEAUTIFUL ▁▁▁♥ ✔ ✔ ((INCALLS & OUTCALLS)) - 23
(Orange County, ANAHEIM / ((INCALLS & OUTCALLS)))
** bL0NdE _ViXXXEN ___________ **LAST _NiTE _iN _t0WN** ________ UP _LATE _______ iN/0UT SPECiALS ** - 22
(Orange County)
*¨¨*- :-* BBW ☆ MaTuRe ☆ SpArKLinG ☆ BLoNde ; 5 StAr -: :-*¨¨ - 40
(714) 892 2068 ★ SPECIAL » $45HR BodyMassage « SPECIAL ★ Beautiful Masseuses » 12505 Beach Blvd★ - 23
(Anaheim, 90680/LB/GG/Anaheim/Cypress/Huntington)
****60 Specials ***** LEAVING ___ CALI ***** Young ____ gorgeous ____ Beauty ******* - 19
(Off 91 freeway)
♥●♥LOOK HERE♥●♥ I can promise you will leave completely satisfied ♥·♥ LOOK HERE♥·♥ - 23
(Scranton, wilkes barre, Hazelton)
*** LiVy ThE CuTie, WiTh ThE BooTy* Available Now!!! for in or outcalls 24/7 **** - 24
(Scranton, WilkesBarre incall) outcallhazltn/tunk)
[[__New *To* The Bizz__]] (¯`·.* ★ *.·´¯) SLUTY little GIRL NExT DooR (¯`·.* ★ *.·´¯) - 22
Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes, 34D Athletic!!! back in columbia for 2 days only so call today - 28
(columbia sc)
•💜•° !¡NEW!¡ °•💜•° !¡EXOTiC!¡ °•💜•° !¡5⭐!¡ °•💜•° !¡SEXY!¡ °•💜•° ¡!SWEETHEART¡! °•💜•° - 21
(Lima/Findlay, lima)
☠ W : A : R : N : I : N : G ☠ ExTrEmElY AdDiCtIvE+ (BeAuTiFuL bOMbShEll) - - 19
(Cleveland, Outcalls to Anywhere in Cleveland!!!!!)
Tired Of Girls With Fake And Old Pics??? Thats Why U Need Me ♥ 1000% Real Pics Welcome 2 My World - - 21
(Cleveland, Downtown★ツ INCALLS★ツ)
?__TaKe A PeEk @ ThE ?_MAiN ATTRACTiON_ ? AmAZiNg __QUALiTY PROViDER ___ - 21
(*~*~* MENTOR AREA *~*~*)
💋💋S£XY WHIT£ GIRL From NYC💋!¡KILL£R M0UTH SKILLS¡!💋💋50 rose specials - 24
Specials❣5️⃣0️⃣ ❣Lola🌸🌸 BBW 🍒🍑💦 Clean juicy and tight ...discreet with no rush‼️ 2164872524 - 24
(Cleveland, Warrensville Hts)
°• Sl!pPerY S@TurD@Y »90 $PCL$ «- !THiCk wHite &iNdiAn; FRe@kY B3@uTy** &G;!rlFri3nD& *Avail. NOW* - 22
(Cleveland, Garfield Hts, EastSide& weStsIde in&/Out)
OUTCALLS ALL NIGHT Youll think im a DREAM👅🍒 BET youll be ADDICTED when IM gone 💎💥💌 - 21
(North providence, Providence, Warwick)
UPSCALE DC MD ESCORT SERVICE EMPLOYMENT Seeking Gymnast Nurses Military suburban Professional women - 30
(Winchester to Alexandria VA)
💖💖💆💆💆💆💆 Nicole {440} 381 ~ 0622 ( HAPPY HR SPECIALS 10am-2pm) Come & Relax with a Pro... - 26
(Cleveland, Broadview Road)
▀▄▀▄▀ M!®®ØR M!®®ØR ØN †H€ W∂LL o★o WHا †H€ F®€∂k!€§† Øf †H€M ∂LL? ▀▄▀▄▀ - 28
{ MISS MIA } ——•—— { PROVOCAT¡V€ } ——•—— { €XQU¡S¡T€ } ——•—— { S€NSUOUS} ——•—— { 9O ¡NCALL SP€C¡AL } - 26
(Cleveland, I90 & 271 ▀▄▀♥▀▄▀♥MIA@2162826027♥▀▄▀♥▀▄▀)
•*¨¨*•-:¦: CAUTION *•-:¦:-•* YOUR NEW *•-:¦:-•* ADDICTION•*¨¨*• U WILL -:¦:-NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - - 21
(Cleveland, Downtown, Beachwood,and Airport)
Let me relax you on this beautiful day
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
{::{LAST CHANCE BOYS!!!!}:} gorgeous *CURVY* aLL-aMeRiCaN *DoLL* 1oo% REAL Pics! {{GREAT Reviews!}} - 25
((( ---WiLLouGhBy/MeNtOr---)))
🚨Last Day🙀👀💦Sexy Playmate 💎🏆Slim frame Thick lips Bubble Booty💦🍑Up All night - 23
(Cleveland, 💦🏪 Incall 🏃Lower Eastside🏆100HH🎀)
❤*Highly Reviewed V*i*P* Skills ❤ 36D Kinky GREEN-EYED BLoNde *BOMBSHELL*❤$8O Incall Sp 1 Night Only - 25
(Cleveland, independence Incall* All over Out)
Exotic and Passionate Fun
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
___________ ____________ _________ Fact #24 About Nerdy Girls ____________ ____________ __________ - 20
(______ Near Hopkins International ______, Akron/Canton, Cleveland)
★EvErY BoY's WiSh ★ EvErY HuSbAnD's SeCReT ★ EvErY MaN's FaNt@sY DoMiNic@n TrE@T - 24
(Airport @rE@ inc@ll/out)
Japanese girl -Masaco🔲✿🌺sexy ASIAN 🔲✿🌺▬Helen Taiwan girl▬▬▬▬▬🔲✿🌺🔲✿🌺🔲✿🌺 - 27
(San Jose / South Bay, Sunnyvale, Sunnyvale,Central Express way & Mary/Mou)
New Number **Sexy Thick Blonde BombShell** New Beaverton Incall 100 specials** - 23
(Portland, Se 181st/Beaverton In and Outcall)
*▒▓ ❤ __ Young Carmel D!ME Piece__ Just_For You ❤ Special's - 24
(airport area[24hr in/outcalls])
BlonDe BomBsheLL ™ Boring work day? I'll fix it =) ---°° 216-319-3691°° - 24
(Cleveland, Discreet & SAFE Garfield border incall)
(Cleveland, Upscale Western Incall 90&Up; Jewels)
50 HH limited time Specials with a BANG! Visit Vivian "Viv" NOW! (440) 390-3226 - 24
(Cleveland, Lorain County / Elyria INCALL)